I was recently tagged in a friend's blog to fill out this little survey. And now you must suffer through it with me...
4 Occupations I'd Love To Do If Talent & Money Were Not Qualifications:
1. Own a scrapbook store slash photography studio slash ninja training center
2. Write for Creating Keepsakes magazine or just get published once with them.
3. Interior Designer slash home organizational guru. But I think you have to have certain skills for that job and awesome ninja moves don't count.
4. DANCER! I miss those days.
4 Random Things About Me:
1. I have silly thumbs. They are awesome for pushing buttons and giving massages. Not so awesome for manicures.
2. I am obsessive but not obsessive compulsive. If I start a book, I have to read it straight through without stopping. In the mean time, my house succumbs to the tornadocain that is my three kids and everyone starves because I can't be bothered to make dinner.
3. I'm awesome at Geography Challenge on Facebook. I know the flags of every major country in the world. And some of the not so major ones. Palau for example. I can also distinguish the subtle differences between the shapes of countries like Sweden and Finland.
4. Sometimes, when I drive in icy conditions, I do dangerous maneuvers on purpose, like a ninja. But don't tell my dad.
4 Guilty Pleasures
1. Frozen Snickers
2. Twilight books (read them twice...in a row...)
3. Reality TV
4. Scrapbook stuff
4 Things I Am Drawn To Buy Even When I Don't Need Them:
1. Scrapbook stuff
2. Books
3. iTunes music
4. Starbucks white mochas
4 Challenges I Face On A Daily/ Weekly Basis:
1. Falling asleep at night
2. Naturally, getting up in the morning (Right there with you Carly!)
3. Not letting my current obsessions interfere with my actual life. I don't need to finish a 500 page book in one day. I could throw in a load of laundry or, you know, make dinner or something.
4. Keeping my kids entertained in the winter.
4 Books That Have Helped/Inspired Me This Year:
1. The Bible always helps me
2. Twilight (and sequels) actually inspired me to write something...
4 People I'm tagging:
1. Jessica Williams
2. Jenn Stokes
3. Raychel Stamper
4. Tracy Skipworth