So when I wasn't hauling Jordan out of the deep end, I was scrambling to scoop Joshy up from the bottom of the water slide. For some reason he overcame all fear and rational thought and just started sliding by himself. The problem was, he couldn't muster enough coordination to get out from under the water once at the bottom. Especially when five more kids slid down and sat on top of him.
Surely, an episode such as that would keep him stuck to me like glue right? Wrong, he was back on that slide immediately. The whole situation reminds me of a movie quote, "That kid is BACK on the escalator again!"
So about his 80th time up the slide, Josh sat down at the top of the concrete steps to begin his scootching manuever over to the slide. This is where it went horribly wrong. I was at the bottom of the slide waiting for him when I saw him tip over backwards, down the concrete stairs. I sloshed through the water as fast as possible only to watch him land on his head at the bottom. Poor baby was scraped all up. We cuddled and cried for a minute and then THAT KID WAS BACK ON THE SLIDE AGAIN!
Moving on to the festivities. Cake, ice cream and presents, hurray!