We made the decision the morning of our ride to take the kids with us. We expected them to only last about two hours at which point we would turn around and come back. We were shocked at how the kids took to the adventure. We decided to complete the entire five hour loop trip with the rest of the group. However, due to unforseen trail conditions, the loop took nearly EIGHT HOURS. It was a great time though. We saw a few caribou (including a dead one on the trail) some ground squirrels and a jack rabbit.
Jake and Mommy ready to hit the trail. It was a cold and rainy morning but turned into a fairly pleasant afternoon and evening for our ride. Several of us awoke to the rain that morning and prayed it away.
Jordan and Daddy during a rest stop.
A quick lunch break at the top of a hill.
Stopping to move a tree that had fallen across the trail. We had to stop and move two on the trip. Some of the machines in our group were outfitted with wenches which came in really handy when it was time to move trees or tow me out of a mud hole.
Waiting for our turn to slide our machines down the steep frozen ravine.
Let the sliding begin.
The safety net. Some of the guys straddled this deep gap in the ice and held onto each machine as it rode precariously along the embankment.
Jordan was pretty exhausted mid trip. She couldn't really support herself upright anymore and had to be strapped to her daddy with bungee chords. I took her for a while but since I can't ride one handed and support her, she ended up with some handlebars to the face a few times. She suffered a minor scrape near one eye. Daddy took her back and exhaustion and the stress of the traumatic experience finally overwhelmed her. She slept through some amazing stunts.
She was forced to wake up when Daddy took a side trail around a bunch of stuck machines and ended up royally stuck himself. I had to walk through the mud and carry her out while Daddy and the crew extracted his four wheeler. Once she was awake, she was her happy self again. She spent the last couple hours of the ride singing and chatting with Daddy.
Safely back at camp. Nice and muddy. It was a long day full of forging rivers, scaling glaciers, bouncing down dry river beds, digging out of giant mud holes and discovering that our awesome kids are real troopers. All in all, the perfect camping trip.