This is a little blurb that I posted in my livejournal and decided to also post in bloggedy land. Sorry if you read both and don't like reruns. Let's proceed...
Over the years I have finally come to accept my heritage and have developed a healthy addiction to coffee. I come from a long line of very thorough coffee drinkers. My brother started drinking straight black coffee in high school. My genetic tendency toward coffee developed later in life, at a cute little coffee station in the midst of a bustling Microsoft cafeteria. My first official coffee drink - other than fairly repulsive straight black coffee - was an almond latte. Hello lover.
And that's where it all started. Over the years my preferences have changed a tad. My drink of choice is now the Starbucks venti White Chocolate Mocha and while I haven't found a coffee drink that I would kick out of bed, my usual is OH.SO.GOOD.
In honor of our failing economy, I have responsibly opted to stop drinking Starbucks coffee every day. Keep your hat on sixfiftytwo (my bff), it's purely a money saving tactic and has nothing to do with the love I will always feel for that green circle or the love I feel for you, it's lovely and gracious distributor.
Since I don't own a coffee pot - and have decided not to buy one until the experiment is complete - I decided to try the Folger's coffee singles. There were some in my cupboard from when my mom last visited two and a half years ago(MOM!). Fortunately I checked the expiration date before I tried it. Otherwise I expect the experiment would have been over before it had begun.
I purchased a fresh box and boiled some water in a sauce pan (because I don't own a kettle. Well, I did but I ruined it when I let it boil itself dry and fuse to my stove burner). I steeped the tea, coffee bag in my mug of hot water and gathered the other necessary ingredients. A generous three heaping spoonfuls of hot chocolate mix and some coconut creamer were added to the mix and the result was....
Good enough.
Money saving tactic #1 is now in full effect. In fact, since I recently ran out of Folgers I've decided to go even cheaper and bought the generic store brand coffee. Still good enough.
I'm still not sure if I will purchase a coffee pot, as I only drink one cup of coffee each morning (two on a rough one). At this point it just doesn't seem more economical.
The rub is, I may be single handedly responsible for the coming downfall of Starbucks. My heart just broke a little.