This year I'm participating in
#Reverb10 which is a blogworld daily December blog challenge. Today my assignment is to choose one word to describe the past year.
My word is VICTORY!
I chose this word because 2010 was the culmination of so much unfinished business in my life and my family's lives. The most notable being my husband finishing up five years of night school and achieving his college degree. The most frivolous being meeting my year long goal of reading 50 books this year. I doubled that achievement because I'm just that awesome. Not really. I failed to accomplish some important household duties due to my reading marathons, namely vacuuming. My mother in law saved the day on that one though. She bought me a Roomba! Now I really have no excuse.
Another victory for the year is my Photography business just EXPLODING. After seven years of dabbling, taking photos for friends, learning all I could about aperture, shutter speed, ISO, light quality, then combining it all with capturing the moments I see every day, teaming up with my super wonderful friend Tracy and then making the decision to start the BUSINESS of photography, we could only hope for the best. Evidently, the world was ready and waiting for us because we haven't had a chance to breath since January. We are currently booked out months in advance. WHAT?
These 3 photos by the fantabulous Tracy SkipworthAnother victory: My Jordy's kindergarten experience (so far). Of all my kids, she was the one that worried me the most when it came to school. Her free spirited, overly sensitive attitude and general lack of exerting effort seemed to be foreshadowing a repeated kindergarten experience. I could not have been more wrong. That child is THRIVING in school. She gets straight A pluses in every subject and she enjoys being there. Her teacher just commented to me yesterday on how well Jordy is doing in school. My joy runneth over. I completely underestimated this child.
fficial School Picture - DISCLAIMER: I only buy my kid's school pics in kindergarten because I can take my own. This is a good example of why I do that. Jordy's hair is actually not the color of urine in real life.One of the most rewarding victories of the year was FINALLY, finally,
finally getting Joshy completely potty trained. The battle was epic, the victory that much sweeter.
Celebrating eleven (and a half now) years of marriage is a victory too!
There were more personal victories as well. Challenges and frustrations and worries that I'd battled for a while, now resolved or close to it.
Of course I take zero credit for any of our victories. The Lord has blessed us tremendously and continually.
"Who is like you, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?" EXODUS 15:11
I think VICTORY is a very good description of 2010