At first Jordan was SUPER excited to be on stage in big church. But then the program started and there were songs she didn't know (like the National Anthem) and she panicked and cried because she was embarrased. I had to run up there and talk her down from the roof and when she realized that NOBODY knew the words, she felt better.
Jake didn't care either way. He looked pretty bored up there with his Koolaid mustache.
After the panick attack and feeling better. Just a little red in the face.
Aaaah, it's over. Back to the classroom to PARTAAAY! I help teach Jordy's class so I went back to the room with them to dish up goodies.
Jake's class was next door to ours so I snuck over and took a picture of him chowing on a giant strawberry. He couldn't look away from it long enough to smile for me.
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