Tuesday, August 04, 2009

School Supplies

Today the rugrats and I ventured over to Target to get school supplies for Jake. He starts kindergarten in less than three weeks (I will not cry, I will not cry). We could have Fred Meyer instead; it's quite a bit closer, but they don't have Starbucks there...so, yeah.

Jake is especially excited about his new Star Wars lunch pack. He picked his new shoes out himself too.

We found everything on the list except for a small Judy clock.


What is a Judy clock?

Jake and I wandered down the aisles, hoping one would jump out at us but we never found one. Even when Jake would throw his hands up in exasperation and exclaim, "WHAT is a Judy clock???"

Nobody could tell us.


Michelle's Day said...

A Judy clock is a little pretend clock that the kids can move the hands on to learn to tell time. I think you have to buy them in the school store. I might have an extra one if the kids didn't lose theirs from kindergarten/1st grade. I'll let you know.

The Matthew Family Est. 2005 said...

So cute!

Alex said...

Our Targets here have them in the "Dollar Section" upfront. Obviously, for a $1. I dont know if your target has that section or not though, seeing as there are no Dollar Stores in AK