Jordy is the first of the kids to lose a tooth.
It came as a surprise to all of us because we have been patiently waiting for Jake's first loose tooth ever since he started kindergarten. Most of the kids in his class have lost teeth and he was ready (after some serious conversations about how much it does NOT hurt).
I just happened to look over at Jordan recently and saw her pushing at her lower front teeth with her tongue. One of the bottom teeth bent completely over as she did it. A quick examination revealed that yup, Jordy had not one, but TWO loose bottom teeth and a nice big new tooth growing in behind.
And last night it finally fell out. She was biting into an orange, TRYING to make her tooth come out (unbeknownst to me) and it worked. She came running up to me shouting, "my tooth fell out! My tooth fell OUT!"
"Yay! Where is it?"
"I don't know!"
So we went hunting through the carpet. Jake found no less than three false alarms when he picked up food crumbs from dinner (and probably breakfast and lunch too).
Jordan was the one to finally find it and so we wrapped it up in a scarf and put it under her pillow. Now, normally it takes Jordan a good hour to fall asleep at night. She sings songs to Jesus a lot, she talks to herself and her blankets, she gets up to potty a dozen times. But last night I told her that she had to lay VERY STILL or the tooth would get lost and the tooth fairy wouldn't be able to find it.
She laid down carefully and was asleep within five minutes.
The tooth fairy brought her 50 cents. When I sent out the query on facebook a couple days ago about what teeth were going for these days, people were trying to convince me that I needed to give out tens of dollars.
Not happening. The child doesn't even know the value of a penny. She was more than excited to put her 50 cents into her piggy bank.
Good for you, Rachelle! I honestly think when kids get mega bucks for teeth that it just spoils them rotten. My kids always got $1 - never more. Amber just lost her last tooth a couple of months ago. She's 12 and she got $1.
We really don't need more kids with entitlement issues running around. And yours won't be part of the problem :-)
Dude, why wasn't I in a family that gave out like 20 bucks? haha. 50 cents sounds perfect! I know my parents could've gotten away with probably a nickel when I was little and I would've not even known the difference until I was at least 9. haha.
Whoop for Jordan! :)
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