Everyone woke up bright-eyed and bushy-haired and ready to go this morning. Well, everyone except for me, who stayed awake all night tossing and turning after indulging in a caffeine saturated cherry coke the night before. Jake also had a hard time waking up, insisting that he had only slept for one whole minute (which may be true, his face certainly doesn't appear well rested here).
The breakfast of champions included cereal, pop tarts, bananas and other random breakfasty foods. Clothes were donned, hair was combed and pig-tailed (will I ever figure out how to do girly hair? And what is with the giant noggin in the photo? Is her head really that gynormous?), backpacks were packed and out the door we went.
Two minutes later we pulled into the school parking lot to unload. I do not recommend walking backward through a parking lot to take pictures of your kids walking into school. You never know when you might walk smack into a parked car. I'm just saying.
We headed to the gym, found our teachers and waited for school to start. I walked with Jordan to her class and helped her find her seat, her coat hook and together we unloaded and organized her supplies. Then I smooched her and left her smiling sweet self to go find Jake's class.
A hug for Doobie
"See Mom? I got this."
Her nametag! So exciting!
Jake and Doobie
Jake was already seated in his class (right near some friends) and I observed as he followed the teacher's instructions for putting his things away. Then I left with all my other mom friends to go to Starbucks and cry in our coffee. BUT I DIDN'T CRY! I know, I'm shocked too. But both kids were so great and so excited and SO READY for school.
Darrin checked on them a couple of times throughout the day and everyone was trooping right along. I laid in bed with Jordan for twenty minutes tonight listening to her talk all about the things she did and the people she saw. Jake didn't really want to talk about his day other than to so say he really liked his class. Isn't that just like a punk? I mean boy?
So, the school year has begun and it's just the Doobie and me at home now. We are going to have SO much fun without everyone. So there.
1 comment:
YAY for good starts to school!!!! Seth had a good first day of kindergarten, too. I only let out a few tears before we left him at school, but then cried some more in private. So you're way stronger than I am :-)
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