Today my sweet little Jordyroo Bugamuffin turns 6 and I’m starting to get perspective on why my dad never let me get any older than 13. Please please please stop growing up. Please please please always be innocent and little and please please please don’t ever stop living in that magical happy land that you live in. I pray every day that you never lose that perpetual ray of sunshine that beams out of you. You light up my life sweet girl!
Things I don’t ever want to forget about you...
Your eyes disappear into little arches when you smile.
Your gums take over your entire mouth and completely eclipse your little chicklet teeth when you smile.
You have lost 4 teeth, all on the bottom.
You still love sticks and straws.
This year you decided you were girly. Bring on the dresses, makeup, tutus, jewelry, and accessories.
You adore your hot pink cowboy boots.
Your favorite meal would be mac & cheese with a Costco rotisserie chicken leg and cantaloupe. And milk.
You always put your pants on backwards. ALWAYS.
You learned to ride your bike without training wheels last week and everyone was surprised you could do it. Sorry kid, but you are REALLY clumsy and helpless most of the time...
You get along really well with your baby brother, not so much with your big brother.
You want to grow your hair down to your butt and I want to cut it all off because I’m the one who has to fail miserably at “doing” it every day.
You say you want to be an artist when you grow up. I can totally picture that.
You love to dance. But you always dance with your eyes closed (why?) and then you crash and hurt yourself.
You sing like you feel it in your soul. It simultaneously brings a tear to my eye (the passion!) and doubles me over with hilarity because you are an AWFUL singer. But you feel it so hard and that is awesome.
You have already decided that someday when you are ready to be a mommy, you are going to find babies that need mommies and be their mommy...because you are too scared to poop out your own baby.
You REALLY want a baby sister. NO. Stop asking me.
You are left handed. As if you needed another excuse to not be able to do things or be messy.
Without fail, you think the letter “e” makes the sound of the letter “i"
I love you sweet girl. Happy birthday.
1 comment:
I've only met Munchkee once - but that girl made an impression!
Pretty sure she'll have a straw & stick bouquet on her wedding day. :)
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