Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sorry for the delay!

Wow, it's been a while. I blame my temperamental computer. He crashed and burned twice in one week and caused me all sorts of stress and anguish. He's fixed now but on probation.

So what's up with us you ask? Well, the most notable event is breakup! Don't jump to conclusions. That's the term us Alaskans use when referring to the massive carnage left behind after the massive snow melt in this city. It's soggy and dirty and ugly around here. But the air is warm(er) and the sun is shining! It's beautiful to me! The kids and I have been outside every day for about two weeks. We aren't going to waste a single day of the short season of sun, aptly referred to as, not summer, but road construction.

I planted some dahlia bulbs the other day. I doubt they'll grow. They never do. I'm not sure why. The science of horticulture utterly and completely eludes me, despite a respectable amount of home study on the topic. Try as I do to be a mini-Martha Stewart, I can't get the hang of gardening, cooking or raising chinchillas. Okay, I haven't tried the last one yet.

I've managed to meet a couple of my neighbors these past two weeks. Everyone is coming out from hibernation and blinking in wonder at the sun and gazing in awe at the grass. We are excited about all the kids that have been living nearby this whole time, completely unbeknownst to us. Is that a word?

Jaycob is becoming a pro at riding his bike, albeit still depending heavily on the training wheels. He did learn to stop yesterday which was an exciting experience. He hasn't mastered the art of falling though and he is now sporting his very first skinned elbow, a painful reminder that you can't run full speed into your baby sister's ride-on car and expect the outcome to be fun for anyone involved. Jake's first year in AWANAs is coming to an end in a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to the recognition night at church where he will be up on stage and I will be the idiot mom in the front row with the video camera and big dumb grin trying to capture timeless footage of my baby picking a wedgy or other some such thing...

Jordan is almost two years old. The terrible twos are in full swing and our little princess is learning the meaning of consequences. She's not much of a fan. But she does seem to be learning quickly which is a relief for all of us. And even when she does digress, she's still really cute. Her vocabulary is increasing tremendously and she is starting to get her own funny entries in my online journal. http://happyhothead.livejournal.com/

And speaking of cute! My little Joshy angel. I swear if he didn't holler out a squeal of delight every once in a while, I might just forget he's there! Low maintenance is an understatement. Which is lucky for him (and me) because he doesn't get near the attention he deserves due to his older siblings. This past week he has started scrunching up his knees and rocking on all fours. He can also sit up unassisted for several minutes. A recent trip to the doctor revealed him at a hefty 17 pounds and a lengthy 28 inches. He's considered quite tall, but not terribly fat. He had two shots with nary a whimper, he's such a macho man.

Darrin is fully immersed in track season right now. Every weekend is spent on long road trips out of town and we miss him terribly. Looking forward to the end of the school year in May.

I'm still doing the same old thing. Hanging out with the kids, writing, scrapbooking and failing at gardening and other womanly tasks. I would now consider yourself sufficiently up to date.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I knew it was too good to last. Jordan's nose starting leaking again last night. So this morning she and I are home while the boys are at church. It's so quiet around here right now. I'm glad nobody was sick while my mom was here. I don't think we would have had quite as much fun if we would have had to wipe runny noses every five minutes. Every once in a while Jordan will run in here and say, "A Tissue!" When I turn around to face her I have to hold back a gag at the giant snot ball hanging out of her nose. I wish she would learn to sniff or something. Ew.