Thursday, February 25, 2010

Superhero Day

Today was superhero day at school. Spiderman got in trouble twice today for talking.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010



Ugly Sweater Day

Today was ugly sweater day at school so I spent some time yesterday at the local Value Village. I had the distinct honor of choosing ugly sweaters for both my husband and son. The problem with Value Village I found, is that it is suddenly very proud of its selection. While perusing the men's sweater section I realized I was going to have to pay about $20 for a truely hideous monstronsity of a sweater, or about $5 for a sweater that was "ugly enough." I chose the cheaper version and all day Darrin suffered through the stares that so obviously meant, "is that his ugly sweater or did he mean to wear that?"


Jaycob's sweater is hideous. Matched with his maroon athletic pants, he looks utterly and adorably homeless.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sports Day

It's spirit week at school and we forgot crazy hair day yesterday. Today is sports day! So we Jayhawked it up.

It's fun when you don't have to wear your school uniform for a WHOLE WEEK!

Valentine's Day

Jake came home from church with this Valentine's Day card he had made last week.

It says "I Luv Mi Famle" and has people shooting each other all over it.


Sleepy Doobie

Doobie fell asleep on me. It was cute. I took a picture.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Glitteratti in the HIZ-OUSE!

That's right folks.

Once again my crazy crafting team, The Glitteratti, loaded up our glue guns and dished out the smacktalk at the 2010 Crafter's Smackdown. Just like last year, it was madness and fun-ness. Unlike last year, we DID NOT get eliminated in the first round! In fact, out of fourteen total teams, we came in third place.


Our write up in the program with a picture of us from last year.

The team shirts I made. See below for the aprons I made.

Team Glitteratti 2010
From left to right our aprons say, "I will CUT you." "Oh no you di'int." "Shut your face!" and "What are you lookin' at?"

Round 1 Part 1

Round 1 was a two craft round. Our first assignment was to use a large department store gift box and a small jewelery gift box as well as any of the items on the tables (which were loaded with massive amounts of crap) and craft a proposal that would not only make you say NO, but HE** NO!


In case you can't figure it out from the blood, the glove and the white Ford Bronco wedding cake topper, we crafted a marriage proposal from OJ Simpson.

Round 1 Part 2

During part two we had to use some slide show projector reels and craft a new fair ride.

There is a story here actually. You see, one of the other all male hockey team called the Alaska Avalanche...decided to pick on us the whole time. SO, we reciprocated. We crafted this ride called the Alaska Avalanche. As I presented to the judges I mentioned how it was a prototype for a new ride but that we couldn't get funding to build it because it is SO LAME and nobody would ever want to ride it.

And off we go to round TWO, thank you very much.

Round 2

Using a large cardboard box we had to craft a diarama of a post apocalypitic zombie fallout shelter.


Yeah. We were certain we were going to be eliminated because we couldn't pull this one together. Story and craft were failing to mesh. So I grabbed the mic and talked my way into round 3. HOW? I have no idea.

Round 3

Take a shopping cart and save the world.


Enter our friend Robert. He will be playing the part of Obama. We turned our cart into Tree Force One and crafted a big money tree filled with Obama Bucks. This is how we plan to save the world. We will fix healthcare, the economy and the environment by using money that Obama is growing on trees.

We should have considered the fact that our judges panel was extremely liberal. They didn't appreciate the joke.

I don't care who you are. That's funny right there.

Our littlest fan, Makayla.

Our third place trophy

We were required to take it with us or the boss was going to deliver it to one of our houses. I offered to be responsible for it and then I promptly left it on Tracy's doorstep.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Photo Shoot Down Time

Today, PS Photography had a senior photo session at the library, on and around a frozen pond. The little people came with us and played in a nearby snow bank. While our model was changing outfits, Tracy and I made the most of our time by break dancing in the ice and snow.

Yeah. That's right.

Tracy bustin' a move.

Aw yeah!

The little people hanging out.

Doobie has hat hair.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dance Dance Dance

I caught Jordy practicing her dance moves while her keyboard played songs. I didn't have time to set up my camera to get the light right because I wanted to snap quickly before she saw me.

That's a pretty sweet move right there.

Oops, she spotted me mid jump.

Aw, don't stop now!

Too shy.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Friday, February 05, 2010

A New Member of the Family

Congratulations to my sister-in-law, Raychel and her husband Rusty! This morning at 7:41am (Oklahoma time) their baby boy, Rowynn Russell Stamper was born! We've been waiting a long time for this little guy. He entered the world at 7 pounds 12 ounces and 20.5 inches long.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

A Recent Snow Day

The other day the plows came down our street and created a nifty snowbank in the front yard. Daddy and the kids promptly got to work carving an elaborate tunnel through it. After much toil and many hours, they finally broke through from one side to the other only to promptly abandon their project to go sledding.