Saturday, October 06, 2012

My Baby, Not Such A Baby

Actually, that title is a little misleading.  He’s more like a really big baby than not such a baby.  Anyway you look at it, he’s six years old now.

 Doobie had a field trip on his actual birthday, so I brought cupcakes for his class on the same day I brought them for his brother.  They were a big hit with the kindergarten crew.

On Doobie’s actual birthday DAY, we went on a field trip to a local farm where they do hay rides and have a big hot dog and S’more roast over a huge fire.  It’s right next to a raging river, which is awesome with 30 kindergarteners.

Later that night, we opened some family gifts.

We also indulged in pizza and cake.  We brought a friend home from school with us, but Doobie didn’t have his actual party until the following Saturday.

Doobie wanted chocolate cake with chocolate frosting.  It looked boring to me so I tossed on the chocolate chips.  BAM!

Daddy lit the six candles.

And then we sang beautifully.

 And then it took two tries to blow out the candles.

A couple of days later, we had a little party with all Doobie’s besties.  I sent the older kids away with dad and let all the parents drop their boys off for a couple of hours of intense super hero awesomeness.

 They watched The Avengers and ate popcorn.

And then they got AWESOME.

The same cake you ask?  Nay.  Twin cake. BAM!

Happy birthday to the Doobie Loo!

Friday, October 05, 2012

Where Did the Last Nine Years Go?

My Buzzdoo turned nine last week.  I’m still not quite sure how that happened.  

Because I’m the world’s most amazing mom, I made cupcakes and brought them to school for his class.  I should also point out that Doobie’s birthday was the same week and because he had a field trip on his actual birthday, I brought cupcakes for his class on the same day.  That’s a lot of cupcakes.  I may or may not have been up until midnight the night before baking them and then up early the next morning frosting them.  I’m pretty sure this qualifies me for World’s Most Amazing Mom times two.

 Now, I realize that I often fail miserably in the kitchen.  The photo above of Jake seemingly sticking his finger down his throat might lead you to believe that there is something wrong with these cupcakes. Let me just clear this up right now.  The cupcakes were awesome and he is actually signing to the camera, “GET IN MY BELLY!"

 He wanted the honor of passing out the cupcakes to his classmates.  I’m not going to lie.  It stressed me out.  I could just imagine them dumped all over the floor surrounded by sobbing third graders.
He did fine though.

 He stood on a chair while everyone in the lunchroom sang him Happy Birthday!

 Then he acted weird for a little while.

Later that afternoon, I brought him home from school with a couple of his closest buddies and they had a little party.  I made that cake the same night I made all those cupcakes.  It was a long night.  But my house smelled amazing.  Bonus.

 One of my favorite aspects of a SMALL party is that I can spend a few extra dollars on fun goodie bags for the guests.  These guys received little Lego sets and spent a good hour at the table constructing them.

 Hubby kept the siblings at school for a while so the party boys could have the run of the house, but when everyone got home, we watched a movie and dove into some pizza.

 Buzzdoo requested strawberry cake with white frosting and cream in the middle.  Boom.  Mom of the year. Right here.
Present time!  Wondering what this guy is wearing?  His Grandma bought him a Transformer costume for his birthday.  He’s kind of been living in it ever since...

This was a Lego book from his friend.  We had actually bought him the exact same thing!  So we snuck it out of the pile and two days later, Josh got it for his birthday instead!

Buck Denver videos!  Buck Denver is from the makers of Veggie Tales and teaches the Bible to older kids.  They love these videos.  Also, they are hilarious.

Oh, look Lego Star Wars.  Can’t have enough of that stuff.

Buzzdoo gets really sucked into commercials.  He is always telling me “it’s only $19.99!”  Whatever IT is.  Anyway, he and dad were watching TV together one day and a commercial fort his remote controlled Sidewinder thing comes on.  Buzzdoo turned to his dad and said, “I want one of those!” And dad later admitted to me that he had been sitting there thinking, “I want one of those!” 
Long story short, we found one at Walmart.