Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A Chick Weekend!

Right now I'm am super-duper excited. Somehow, my friend Carly and I managed to find a way to fly to Seattle for a weekend (NO KIDS!) in November for a scrapbooking convention of all things.

How strange will it be to walk through airport security and not have to remove three coats, three pairs of shoes, collapse a stroller, try to get Jordan to let go of her blanket so it can go through the xray machine AND try to keep everyone calm as I send them through the xray one at a time?

And how strange will it be to walk right onto an airplane without collapsing a stroller at the end of the jetway, not lugging on two carseats, three carry ons, herding a preschooler and a toddler in the right direction all while carrying a squirming baby?

And how strange will it be to sit in a seat on an airplane and not get barfed on, or cried on, or spilled on, not have to go to the potty every 15 minutes, not get dirty looks from the guy in front of Jake because he's kicking the seat, not get dirty looks from everyone else because someone is crying and not have well-meaning but annoying passengers walk back to tell me what they think I should do to handle a situation?

I am going to sit and read or watch TV or listen to music or talk to Carly and that is it. What will that be like? And what will it be like to walk off the plane and just walk away? No picking up a stroller, no balancing carseats and kids all on one stroller, no millions of bags at baggage claim. Just me and my backpack. What will that be like?

And what will it be like to spend two and a half days with no kids? No feeding anyone, no resolving fights, looking for lost toys, no fighting over bedtime.

Hmmm. I miss them already.

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