Tuesday, December 25, 2007

All Dressed Up!

We didn't make it to church on Sunday morning because Jake came to our room in the middle of the night and threw up on us. But we finally were able to get dressed up for the Christmas Eve candlelight service. I made the mistake of not trying on our Christmas outfits until we were already late for church. The result? Jake's pants were too big and Joshy's shirt and vest came down to his knees. So I scrambled and found Joshy a black reindeer sweater and Jake a belt. So Josh was dressed all in black (oh and I forgot him some shoes) and Jake looked like a gangster. Jordy looked perfect in her little Christmas dress that Grandma Joyce bought her. She even liked to wear her hat! These pictures were taken after church because we were running late before church. That's why Jordan has cookie all over her face.

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