Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lessons In Life

I’ve been saying for a while now how I want bunk beds for my boys. Not because they need to share a room, but because I think bunk beds are cool.

Up until a month ago, Doobie slept in a toddler fire truck bed in his little tiny room. In spite of the fact that he had far outgrown it, the toddler bed was really the only option for his postage stamp sized bedroom. If we put a twin bed in there, he wouldn’t be able to fit himself into the room with it.

Then, one day, I stumbled upon a bunk bed at a garage sale. For $20. The catch? No hardware. Oh, and only one set of side rails to support the mattress. No problem. I’ll turn it into a LOFT BED. The perfect solution for my son’s minuscule bedroom. Sleep on top, play underneath.

“Yes!” I think to myself. “This is the perfect solution.”

So I purchased the bed.

I painted the bed. (Two coats of primer, three coats of paint, 2 coats of polyurethane - took FOREVER).

After a gazillion trips to Home Depot for hardware, and a bit of wood to to make it safe, a trip to the furniture store for a mattress, (of course they only had the expensive kind) the loft bed is complete.

Isn’t it lovely?

Now, here is the lesson I’ve learned.

Putting sheets on and taking sheets off a bunk SUCKS.

Not only that, but my son is still working out the whole peeing in the bed in the middle of the night thing. So I have to take sheets off and on at THREE IN THE MORNING every other night.

So, basically, $300 later, it was the worst $20 I’ve ever spent.


Cheri-Beri said...

Oh Rachelle! Both of my kids have had loft beds and bunk beds. Why Amber needed a bunk bed is beyond me, but it was cheap and she loved it. The second loft bed that Austin got, I told him I was NOT changing the sheets (he was a wee older than your son). Finally, within the last couple of years, the kids have gotten queen size beds. That are on the ground. But I still don't wash their sheets for them. Or change them - lol.

Riah said...


I shouldn't laugh at your pain but this story brings me so much joy.

Good job, btw. It looks awesome. :)

Michelle's Day said...

yep -- i went through the bunk bed sheet changing, too! not easy or fun!! have you tried taking him to the bathroom after he goes to sleep right before you go to bed? that's really working for Luke -- as long as he goes before HE goes to sleep and again before I go to sleep, no wet sheets.

Unknown said...

Cheri, yes I do that...DID that. It also sucks rolling a four year old over the safety rail of a bunk bed while he’s still half asleep, taking him potty and then hefting him back up there. WHAT have I done?