Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Cub Scout

We’ve allowed our son to become a Cub Scout.  And to say that this is so up his alley is an incredible understatement.  This boy was born for this.  

The highlight of his week is wearing his Scout uniform to school on Mondays.

This week is a big pack meeting, which is different than the usual smaller den meetings.  The boys were assigned the monumental task of designing and creating box cars to race.

It was incredibly difficult for me not to completely take over all design and construction aspects but I reined myself in and let dad do it all.  

Okay, he  didn’t do it all either.  He did the basic design and construction and the boy did the grunt work.

This is our masterpiece.

 The front view.

 The side view.  He chose #9 because that’s how old he is. Also, the flames were my idea. :)

 The spoiler with hand drawn flames because he just decided to do that, without my permission.  Turd.

 Hand drawn, cardboard reinforced wheels.

 Hand scribbled windshield complete with windshield wipers.

 Dual exhaust and I finally managed to make him stop scribbling all over the darn thing.

 License plate, JHP for his initials and 316 for his pack number.

My sweet brake lights made from cream cheese boxes wrapped in construction paper.

It turned out to be a sort of fun family project that we spent most of the afternoon/evening last Saturday working on.  We ended up being very grateful for our shirt business, which provided all the cardboard and my former scrapbooking obsession which provided all the cardstock and assorted adhesives.

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