Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Smiley Baby

Little Joshy is full of grins for everyone now. And he is quite the chub-o-lub. He just turned two months old and he's busting out of his 0-3 month clothes!

Little baby Jayhawks

Aunt Raychel and Uncle Rusty came over for Thanksgiving and we did Christmas with them while they were here. Jake and Jordan each got some new Jayhawk gear so you know I had to dress them all up and take a hundred pictures.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Sleepy Boy!

Baby Joshy is sleeping 9 hours at night now. What a super star.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Joshy Update

I forgot to update everyone on Josh's condition. Turns out he's perfectly fine. He does have a hernia but it is very common and will probably go away on it's own in a couple of YEARS. I have to check it periodically to make sure I can push it back in even if it just pops right back out. He got his voice back now that we have taken measures to help with the reflux. Jakey's eczema has returned full force now that the weather is so dry. He has alligator skin over his whole body. We got a prescription for it and he has to be rubbed down a couple of times a day. He absolutely hates it of course. Jordan is not suffering from any type of malady at this point in time. I hope everyone has a fabulous week.

Monday, November 06, 2006

It's been a while...

I guess I haven't posted in a while. That's what happens when there is either nothing going on, or too much going on. We happen to be experiencing the latter. Darrin has been coaching a couple of different basketball teams and they all have random schedules and various games. I think I saw him last night for a minute...
Our friend's kids have been staying with us this week while mom and dad and big sister are out of town at a youth rally. The kids have been so good and such a big help just keeping my kids entertained.
Baby Joshy is suffering from "grunting baby syndrome" which is a condition (usually caused by reflux) which causes him to grunt like a pig while he's asleep. And he does it for hours on end. It has gotten so bad that he has lost his voice (and now he cries silently) and he gave himself a hernia under his belly button (which now sticks out like a ball). Things have improved slightly because we have implemented some preventive measures we found on the internet. This coming Wednesday I will take him to the doctor to see if she want's to prescribe any medication for the reflux. In the mean-time, please pray for our little guy because this condition is very uncomfortable (read: painful) for him. And I've decided a silent cry is more heart-breaking than a loud one.