Saturday, March 08, 2008

Just stuff

This weekend has been exhausting and it's only half over. The basketball tournament concluded this evening and the shirt factory did well. The basketball team managed to make some money off of us.

Today was the last day of the basketball season for Darrin (woo hoo!) but we start track season on Monday. I had grand delusions of running with the team as I prepare for my half-marathon, but alas, I forgot I have three children. I guess I'll just stick with late night jaunts to the gym on base with April.

Beebs seems to have recovered from his toilet meets face incident but has since succumbed to a 102 degree fever. It's been going around, it was only a matter of time. So now I'm waiting for the other two to catch it so they can all be miserable together. I'll be keeping them home from church tomorrow.

Got some fun new scrapping stuff in the mail this week. Looking forward to playing with it and getting my next article started.

I think that's about it. I sleepy.

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