Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lack of Posting

Sorry fort he lack. I'm SO busy with all this photography mumbo jumbo. Right now we are days away from launching our WEBSITE and I've been spending a lot of time trying to make it just right.

One of the things that is happening with this business of taking pictures professionally is that I don't seem to have much time to take photos of my own family. That is seriously not okay with me but I'm working on that.

I just so happen to be taking a photography class right now and that has forced me to take pictures of my kids for my assignments. So thank God for that! Here's a couple recent ones of Jordan. I was working on back lighting and other lighting angles. Just so we are clear, the girl poses on her own. I did NOT give her any direction othat than, "LOOK AT THE CAMERA!"

She's such a goof.

1 comment:

Michelle's Day said...

Jordan is SUCH a cutie pie!!!! and i really like the backlighting :-)