Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 13

I am thankful for Anchorage Christian Schools.

Because this is where my husband works and has an opportunity to impact youth for Christ and to help encourage them to always try to do more, help more and be more.

I am thankful that my kids have an opportunity to attend school here.  I’m glad they are being taught by amazing teachers that I call friends.  I’m thankful that they are learning in a manner that coincides and doesn’t contradict the values that we instill in them at home.

I’m thankful that I can swing by and have lunch with my kids and then my husband on any given day.

I’m thankful that I never get in trouble for parking in the no-parking zones.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 12

I am thankful for books.

Because they take me away.

Even cheesy teeny bopper romance novels.  

Especially those.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 11

Thankful for the United States Military

Because they are awesome.

Thank you veterans!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 10

I am thankful for family time.

Today I went shopping with my best guy.  Then I went shopping with my favorite girl.  Spent a lot of money and made memories in the process.

Now we be chillin’

Friday, November 09, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 9

I am thankful for laughter.

‘Cause it’s hilarious.

What did the 0 say to the 8?
nice belt.

How does anything every get accomplished at a bubble wrap factory?

Source: amazon.com via Rachelle on Pinterest

Source: tumblr.com via Rachelle on Pinterest

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 7

I am thankful for K-LOVE radio.

I love that whenever I get in my car, the perfect song is playing.  Kind of like when your pastor preaches directly at you on a Sunday morning, God uses the perfect Christian song at the perfect time, every time.  And I love love love when my babies are singing along in the back seat.

And how awesome is it that it’s commercial free?  Always amazing, uplifting music, all the time.  

Except when the pledge drive is on.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 6

I am thankful for America.

The other day, two days before daylight savings time ended, a friend posted this status on Facebook.

“Don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend.  And your president on Tuesday!”

I've done my part!

Monday, November 05, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 5

I am thankful for friends.

Over the years, the Lord has blessed me with the most wonderful friends ever.  EVER.


Sunday, November 04, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 4

I’m thankful for quiet time (and coffee).

I’ve recently started getting up an hour (or more) before my kids each morning to quietly sit and enjoy my coffee, listen to pod casts, edit photos or WHATEVER I want.  It has had the fabulous effect of getting everyone’s day off on a better start.  No rushing, no grouchies, just efficient and calm readiness for school and work and life.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 3

I am thankful for photography.  

I am thankful that I get to DO photography.  I’m grateful that I have a creative outlet that actually brings money into the household rather than take it out.  I’m grateful that my husband allows me time to pursue my hobby/career and that I get to do it with one of my favorite girls ever, Tracy.

I’m thankful I get to photograph amazing people, create memories for them and create art for them.

I’m thankful that I get to photography proposals, engagements, weddings, babies and families.  All of life’s most awesome moments happen in front of me all the time.  At times I’m asked to photograph sad moments as well.  I’m thankful that people trust me to do so with compassion and professionalism.

 I’m thankful that I get to love on babies.

 And send seniors off on their next chapter.

 I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to take amazing photos my own babies.

I’m thankful for new chapters.

And hilarious moments.

So so so  thankful that Tracy is my partner.  I wouldn’t get even a quarter of the enjoyment out of it if she wasn’t laughing, whining, crying, and talking about poop with me every step of the way.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 2

Today I am thankful for these jokers.

I don’t deserve to own the cutest kids on the planet, but I do.  My life is just awesome like that.

They are messy, and mouthy and they fight a lot, but they are so cute that it makes it all worth it.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Thankfulness Project - Day 1

For the month of November, I am going to be thankful for something every day.  Well, I’m always thankful for something each day, usually coffee, but this month I’m going to write about something I’m thankful for every day.

In no particular order.

So that means, don’t judge me because I’m not choosing to write about being thankful for Salvation on the first day.  I’m thankful for that every day.  I just don’t happen to have a really cute picture of it and that’s really the driving force of this blog project for me.

Day 1.

I am thankful for my husband.

This guy is a solid rock to lean on when life get’s overwhelming and I get all girly and emotional about something.  He calms me.  Usually after he looks at me exasperated and tells me to stop being a baby.

This guy is always up for an adventure.  He’s the “idea guy” which is why we have a shirt business.  And live in Alaska.  And own a ghetto-fabulous RV named Rory.  And he built a treehouse.  He built part of a treehouse.

He plays with our kids.  He gets down on the floor and plays cars or army guys or Legos or WHATEVER.  All the the things I hate doing (and don’t do because I’m awesome like that).

He lets me buy lots of decorative pillows and throw blankets.  He hates them and complains and throws them at me, but he lets me buy them.  Er, he doesn’t make me return them.

Sometimes, just for funsies, he buys me my favorite crumbly Hostess mini donuts.  Because sometimes that’s what I need in my life.

He likes my wild and crazy naturally curly hair and my toe thumbs.