Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our EIGHT year anniversary!

Whew! We fixed our deck problem. Nothing a few rented post jacks and cutting new posts can't cure! We've spent the past couple of days fixing that so actual progress on the deck hasn't been happening. Plus, yesterday was our 8 YEAR ANNIVERSARY - YAY!!! So we went hiking for the day and had wonderful fun. See the pictures below...

Tomorrow we are going camping and 4wheeling. We should have some fun pictures of that soon.

This is Darrin's sister, Raychel and her husband, Rusty.

This is us using a hand tram to cross above a river. We met up with an older couple there who weren't going to cross it because they didn't think they could pull themselves. So Darrin and Rusty pulled them across and I took pictures of them with their camera. They thanked us for the time of their lives!

Darrin decided to get up close and personal with this waterfall while I hyperventilated nearby.

Happy anniversary to us!!! Aren't we cute?

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