Sunday, September 26, 2010

Photos, Fours and Fails.

I'm in the process of switching my life over to a new computer. So, on Doobie's birthday, I created a quick happy birthday post for him and saved it to my drafts until I could add a picture from my other computer. I just realized today that I never posted it. As if I weren't already in the running for mom of the year, I feel the urge to confess that the reason there are no candle blowing out pictures on his party blog post is because, like a complete moron, I stuck a big giant "3" candle on his cupcake. I didn't realize what I had done until later that evening when Grandma Diana came over and saw it sitting on the counter and made a comment about 3+1. I didn't really catch on to what she meant until I sorted through the pictures later and suddenly remembered that the poor kid is FOUR. He's FOUR! I can't keep track of all these different birthdays happening in one weekend I guess. Or I subconsciously want to keep him three forever, which doesn't make sense because he pooped his pants a whole lot while he was three.

So, without further ado, here is the proof of my epic fail.

And here is my missing happy birthday post.

Today my baby turned four years old. When I told him I couldn't believe my sweet baby was four, he told me he wasn't a baby.


Then he cried about something and it made me giggle because he's still a baby.

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