Saturday, September 24, 2011

All About Jake at 8 Years Old

Happy 8th birthday to my sweet Bubbadoo!

So what is this dude up to these days?

He is now in 2nd grade.  WHAT!?

Still loves Star Wars.  Will it ever end?  *looks over at Hubby,* I’m thinking no.

Starting to show a keen interest in sports.  Particularly football but I think Hubby is willing to take what he can get at this point.

Makes amazing technical creations out of Legos.

Makes up songs on the piano that are, actually, quite awesome.

Plays video games better than you.

His favorite band is Lincoln Brewster

He rubs his thumb and forefinger together when he’s worked up about something.  Just like his mommy.

Likes to read in bed at night before falling asleep.

Really, really, really wants to shoot a moose.  Even if it’s just in our front yard.

While always a decent eater, he is now really into eating whatever the grown ups are eating and is willing to try just about anything once.

Recently decided he’s a big fan of roller coasters and other carnival rides that involve speed and height. That’s great because we are headed to Disney World pretty soon.

Still gets in trouble for talking at school EVERY DAY.  But can’t seem to remember exactly what he was talking about.  Ever.

Love you Sweetie Bubba!

1 comment:

Michelle's Day said...

that picture is GORGEOUS!!! and the talking in class? Luke got in trouble every day from K-5 to 2nd grade, but this year PRAISE GOD, no trouble at all!!!! so maybe 3rd grade is the magic turnaround time.