Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Sofa Project Fail

Once upon a time, Hubby and I found a screaming deal on a new couch at Fred Meyer.  In spite of the fact that I promised myself I would stop buying cheap fake furniture, the one day only half off sale on the pretty brown leather sofa was a temptation.

I don’t have much will power to begin with and when Hubby is on board, well, anyway, we bought the couch.

It was really difficult to get into our split level house with all the stairs but we managed to squeeze it through our back door.  Two days later I noticed as I walked past the couch that there was something bulging out of the back of it.  I poked and prodded and realized that one of the interior support pieces was splintered and poking out the back.  It was only a matter of time and hyper children before it poked right through the leather.  Stupid cheap fake furniture.

Well, I decided there was no way I was keeping this couch.  Hubby was not on board with returning it because of the hassle.  I didn’t care about the hassle.  I wanted a not-broken sofa.  So I borrowed a truck, Hubby helped me load the couch, I returned it, picked up a new one and Hubby helped me move it into the house.

Remember the part where I said that Hubby was not on board with replacing the couch?  Well, it turns out he could see into the future and he just KNEW all this was about to happen.

First of all, the new couch, though it was the EXACT SAME COUCH, did not fit through the door.  In our confused frustration and general fed-up-ness, we tore the molding off the doorframe and ruined some the sheetrock around the door FORCING that freaking couch through the opening.

Oh and you know what else happened?

We ripped a three inch hole into the top of the couch cushion.

So, you know, Hubby wasn’t vindicated AT ALL about this stupid couch swap idea.

1 comment:

Michelle's Day said...

duct tape comes in all colors now :-)