Thursday, November 10, 2011

Conversations with Jayhawk

I don’t get the chance to spend a whole lot of one on one time with my eldest son.  He’s more of a Daddy’s man and he and I often fail to see eye to eye.  He’s very short you see.

Two days ago, while his younger sister and brother were watching a “girly movie” upstairs, I decided to hang out in his room with him and read while he played Legos.  We began to chat about his that and the other and like he always does, he asked me a “which would you like better” question.

     “Which would you like better, if I killed all the scorpions in the whole world - oh wait, I mean in America because I’m never leaving this country - or if I just never went to a place that had scorpions?”

     “Before I answer that, let me ask you a question.  Why are you never leaving this country?”

“Oh, because I don’t like it when somebody calls me an alien."

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