Sunday, December 30, 2012


My kids love to roller blade. So much. This information is important later.

Yesterday we had plans to attend a skating party. A party they had been looking forward to since Christmas when they received brand new roller blades.

Early in the morning I was awakened suddenly by a loud crash outside. I got up and discovered a big wind storm was blowing stuff around outside (AGAIN). I battened down a few hatches and hurried back to the warm nest on the couch (which is where I had been sleeping while Hubby was out of town).

Another big gust rattled the windows and suddenly I could hear Jordan whimpering and scrambling out of bed.

I called her to me and snuggled her little body, quaking with fear, under my covers with me.

"I'm scared!" She whispered.

"Why are you scared? It's just windy."

"Because what if the house falls down and I'm at the front of it?"

"That won't hap...." I trailed off because she was still talking.

"What if it falls on our roller blades and makes them dirty? Then we can't go to the skating party because the wheels will have sticks poking out of them and we would trip everybody!"

This is so not where I imagined this conversation would end up.

"If that happens, I will clean the dirt and sticks out of your roller blades."

Her little body immediately relaxed. Good has been done here.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fingers and Toes

The other day, Hubby and I were having a conversation with Jaycob on our bed. I can't remember exactly what we were chatting about but the flow of our conversation eventually led to Jaycob asking why they are called knuckles while he fiddled with the ones on his toes.

This is one of those moments where I become a moron and realize it far too late.

Because I said...

"They should call the ones on your toes, 'tuckles'".

Oh no. No! No! NO!!!

He held out his hands and wiggled his fingers. HIS FINGERS. Are you with me here?

I tried to salvage the situation before it spiraled though I knew it wouldn't work.

I said, "and the ones on your HANDS should be called 'huckles'!"

He shook his head, looked at me like I was an idiot (WHICH I TOTALY WAS! HELLO!"

And then he said it. The thing we were all thinking. His sweet little nine year old lips, so precious and innocent, dropped a big whopping EFF BOMB.

I reacted as you might expect. I giggled. This is the part where I am a huge moron times a thousand. Because I KNOW that if he gets a laugh, he repeats whatever earned him the chuckle.

So he said it again.

And I giggled more.

So he said it again.

And as I laughed uncontrollable at his complete cluelessness, Hubby took the situation in hand and sent Jake on his way.

I received a well deserved eye roll and was shoved off the bed. Still giggling.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

This is a Test

A couple of weeks ago, my Blog told me that in order to add more photos, I would have to PAY to upgrade.  Needless to say, I stopped right there and didn’t blog for awhile.

I’m not going to pay to tell the same stories I already tell for free on Facebook.

Today I decided to try again.

Photo loaded no problem and nobody asked me to pay anything.  I suspect that perhaps I had exceeded my photo allotment for the MONTH last month and that December started fresh and new?

Who knows.

My babies preparing to walk out the door for a day of learning.

Saturday, December 01, 2012

My ABC's

A friend posted this on her blog last month and I stole it.  Pretty sure she stole it first though.  Pretty sure you’re supposed to steal these.

A. Age: 35  What. THEHECK.
B. Bed size: King.  Someone gave us a king sized bed once (prior to that we were queen people, when we first got married we shared a twin!) The gifted king was old so we decided to go back to a queen and went shopping at Costco.  We stared at the queen and realized there was no way we’d both fit on it.  Amazing out perspectives get skewed in such a short amount of time.  So we bought another king.
C. Chore that you hate: Unloading the dishwasher, picking raspberries, putting away laundry, feeding the horses...I’m stuck in a childhood flashback that I can’t get out of right now.
D. Dogs: I don’t like indoor dogs.  They make your house smell.  YES THEY DO!  And they shed on the furniture and then the hair gets all over your clothes and in your kitchen and in your food.
E. Essential start to your day: Getting out of bed.  Honestly, if I didn’t do that first, I’d stay in bed all day.
F. Favorite color: Green.  Happy, cheerful, just-mowed-lawn-smell, green!
G. Gold or Silver: Silver.  Gold makes me think of the eighties.  And not in a good way.
H. Height: 5’9”  Just tall enough to never have to wear heels and just short enough to not be “that really tall girl."
I. Instruments you play: I played the clarinet in 5th grade.  I fiddled on a piano for a minute once.
J. Job title: Ninja.  Super clumsy, super loud, super awesome, ninja.
K. Kids: Three.  In a row.
L. Live: Alaska.  Sigh.
M. Mother’s name: Joyce.  She’s awesome.
N. Nicknames: Snoozer.  Refer to “E”.  And Wife.  My husband calls me Wife.  And now, a lot of students at his school also call me that.
O. Overnight hospital stays: Three.  They made me take a baby home each time.
P. Pet peeves: Doors shutting over and over and over and over and over.  Also, a lot of things my husband does.  Just kidding!  No I’m not.
Q. Quote from a movie: “WEEEWEEEWEEE, pfffbbtttt, oooiiiyyyyeeeee” - Jim Carrey in Liar, Liar.
R. Right or left handed: Right
S. Siblings: Four awesome brothers.
T. Time it takes you to get ready: I wish I cared enough to take longer because then maybe my husband wouldn’t arch an eyebrow at my jeans, hoodie and pony tail when I visit him at work every day.  My theory is this, if I spend an extra, I don’t know, say twenty minutes?  Two hours?  The improvement won’t be significant enough to warrant the extra effort and time suck.  BECAUSE I’M ALREADY ALWAYS FABULOUS.
U. Ultimate Vacation: Disney World!  I’m hooked.
V. Vegetable you hate: Onions.  I don’t like the way the linger for hours.
W. What makes you run late: Not caring if I’m late.  Also, always telling myself that the clock is a little fast, even if it’s actually a little slow.
X. X-Rays you’ve had: Several on my teeth, one on my neck after a football injury.
Y. Yummy food that you make: HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  Cereal.
Z. Zoo animal: Hippos.  I love round things.


Well. I failed miserably at the 30 days of thankfulness project. To be honest, 13 days is better than I thought I would do!