Sunday, December 30, 2012


My kids love to roller blade. So much. This information is important later.

Yesterday we had plans to attend a skating party. A party they had been looking forward to since Christmas when they received brand new roller blades.

Early in the morning I was awakened suddenly by a loud crash outside. I got up and discovered a big wind storm was blowing stuff around outside (AGAIN). I battened down a few hatches and hurried back to the warm nest on the couch (which is where I had been sleeping while Hubby was out of town).

Another big gust rattled the windows and suddenly I could hear Jordan whimpering and scrambling out of bed.

I called her to me and snuggled her little body, quaking with fear, under my covers with me.

"I'm scared!" She whispered.

"Why are you scared? It's just windy."

"Because what if the house falls down and I'm at the front of it?"

"That won't hap...." I trailed off because she was still talking.

"What if it falls on our roller blades and makes them dirty? Then we can't go to the skating party because the wheels will have sticks poking out of them and we would trip everybody!"

This is so not where I imagined this conversation would end up.

"If that happens, I will clean the dirt and sticks out of your roller blades."

Her little body immediately relaxed. Good has been done here.

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