Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fingers and Toes

The other day, Hubby and I were having a conversation with Jaycob on our bed. I can't remember exactly what we were chatting about but the flow of our conversation eventually led to Jaycob asking why they are called knuckles while he fiddled with the ones on his toes.

This is one of those moments where I become a moron and realize it far too late.

Because I said...

"They should call the ones on your toes, 'tuckles'".

Oh no. No! No! NO!!!

He held out his hands and wiggled his fingers. HIS FINGERS. Are you with me here?

I tried to salvage the situation before it spiraled though I knew it wouldn't work.

I said, "and the ones on your HANDS should be called 'huckles'!"

He shook his head, looked at me like I was an idiot (WHICH I TOTALY WAS! HELLO!"

And then he said it. The thing we were all thinking. His sweet little nine year old lips, so precious and innocent, dropped a big whopping EFF BOMB.

I reacted as you might expect. I giggled. This is the part where I am a huge moron times a thousand. Because I KNOW that if he gets a laugh, he repeats whatever earned him the chuckle.

So he said it again.

And I giggled more.

So he said it again.

And as I laughed uncontrollable at his complete cluelessness, Hubby took the situation in hand and sent Jake on his way.

I received a well deserved eye roll and was shoved off the bed. Still giggling.

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