Friday, February 29, 2008
This is Darrin cracking up as his team makes their way out onto the court.
This is the starting lineup in their tight little outfits.
This is Darrin's mom, Joshy and I enjoying the game.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sometimes my babies are so naughty. I swear, I only turned my back for a second. Suddenly I hear Jake yelling, "Mommy! Mommy! Something bad happened! But only Joshy did it!"
When I walked into the kitchen, Jordan said, "I'm cweanin' up!" And tossed a pen back into the drawer.
Considering the evidence, I would say that Jake and Jordan happily watched Josh trash the junk drawer, and once it was completely empty, decided to come tell me. Guilty by inaction.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Photo Contest
You only have a couple more days to get your submissions in.
Good luck!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Wanna see something funny?
Frostbite Footrace
Thursday, February 21, 2008
A Big Moment!
However, after a couple of days of practice, I'm proud to say that my baby is taking bites and I'm no longer shredding!
Monday, February 18, 2008
My Baby!
My little baby had his very first wrestling practice tonight. My baby is old enough to wrestle? Darrin wouldn't allow me to attend the practice. I reluctantly agreed to stay home if he promised to take a million pictures. He did good.
Gearing up for practice. Check out those MUSCLES!
He was disappointed that he didn't actually get to wrestle at his first practice. But he had fun. He learned some stances and they did a Sumo type drill where they had to push each other out of the circle. Darrin said Jake was the smallest guy there by about five pounds.
He came home and showed me the stances he learned. One was the Square Stance and one was the Staggered Stance. He called it the Tiger Stance. Now that's just cute.
Camera Crazy
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Daddy's Home!
The kids were pinging off the walls from excitement to have him home. It is a nice conclusion to rather rough day. A late start getting to church (because I have to get four people ready all by myself) turned into a really late arrival back home afterwards. That's because I had a flat tire. I wasn't about to crawl under the car in a snow flurry with three frozen babies waiting on me, so I drove to the nearest TWO gas stations, both of which had broken air service. So I drove to Sears Auto (only five miles...) and they fixed it in about an hour. In the mean time, Grandma and I shuttled all three of them and the both of us down the road in our tiny Jeep Wrangler to have lunch.
By the time we made it home (at 2:30pm) Jordan and Josh were spent. They both fell apart as we unloaded and got ready for a nap. Jake and I spent the rest of the afternoon playing Go Fish and waiting for Daddy to come home.
He's home safe now and we pigged out on some chips and salsa.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Beaming With Pride
Anyway, tonight Jake excitedly called Grandma and me down to his room to see what he had done. Keep in mind that he has never attempted to write his name of his own accord, only when I'm standing over him, making him do it. So I am beaming with pride that he sat down with his magnadoodle and diligently printed out every single letter. I could care less that he wrote some of the letters backwards, or that his "Y" looks like an "A" but we are gonna have a chat about that "U"!!!
But have you ever seen a more perfect "a"???
My tearful exclamations of pride got him very excited. He followed me around for a while afterwards saying, "Didn't I make you so proud!?!"
Fun With Cars
Practicing my focus. I love the blurry background shot.
All about perspective...and interestingness. By the way, Jakey always lines up his cars like this so they can race.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Something Fun
Shameless Self-Promotion!
Having just turned 30 a few months ago, I'm excited about reinventing myself in so many new ways. Not just artistically, but healthwise (running) and even parenting. Family craft time is messy and tons of fun!
In honor of all this, I have created a mantra for myself, or slogan if you will.
"Live For Today, Create for Tomorrow."
What this means to me is this...Enjoy the now, my kids, my husband, my life and everything that goes along with it. Things change rapidly and I need to cherish each second. The Creat for Tomorrow portion simply refers to my scrapbooks and the keepsakes that I create to pass on to my children. I want them to be able to look back over these albums and things and know that I cherished each step of their lives. Perhaps they will become family heirlooms, passed on down through generations where their kids, grandkids and so on can look through and know them, and us. Or maybe not.
Okay, so I just read back through this post and offically diagnosed myself as an over-emotional cheeseball.
Either way, follow my "She's Crafty" column here!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Saving the drama for his mama.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Family Time
Joshy on our way out the door to breakfast.
Jake and Darrin trying to get their hotwheels to do tricks.
Me checking the temperature. Believe it or not, it's warmed up a bit.