Thursday, February 14, 2008

Beaming With Pride

Yesterday, Jake and I spent a fair amount of time arguing about whether his name should be spelled with an "O" or a "U". It was his contention that only the "U" makes the "uh" sound required when saying "Jaycob." He has a point. But I stood up for my spelling of his name, all the while thinking how funny it was that the "U" was the problem. We've all been expecting that the "Y" was going to be the big issue one day. It still might, I suppose.

Anyway, tonight Jake excitedly called Grandma and me down to his room to see what he had done. Keep in mind that he has never attempted to write his name of his own accord, only when I'm standing over him, making him do it. So I am beaming with pride that he sat down with his magnadoodle and diligently printed out every single letter. I could care less that he wrote some of the letters backwards, or that his "Y" looks like an "A" but we are gonna have a chat about that "U"!!!

But have you ever seen a more perfect "a"???

My tearful exclamations of pride got him very excited. He followed me around for a while afterwards saying, "Didn't I make you so proud!?!"


Thomas bunch said...

I am beaming with you!! What a good job!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of the little man!! I don't like him growing up :(