Saturday, July 14, 2012

Woodland Park Zoo

Another rainy day in Washington.  Let’s hit the Woodland Park Zoo!

I don’t take pictures of a lot of animals, even when I’m at the zoo.  Because, as my favorite photographer, Jasmine Star put it...”Sheep just don’t do it for me.”  I prefer people.  So there you have it.  So here are some photos of people at the zoo.

 Okay, I’m fascinated with giant snakes.  When they are behind glass of course.

 The petting zoo had three goats in it.  That’s it.

 On the way home from the zoo, the kids made up a song...

We made a quick pit stop at Top Foods in Woodinville for two reasons.  First of all, their bulk candy department is the bomb.  Also, when we first got married 13 years ago, this is where Darrin worked.  When we walked into the candy section, we saw Randy, a guy that Darrin worked with all those years ago, still working there!

 The candy section.  Was I right or was I right?
In spite of the rain, we did have a great time at the zoo, the candy section and later, at the movie Brave.

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