Monday, July 09, 2012

Hiking Thunderbird Falls

Home from vacation, two days of rest (not really) then I shot a wedding and I’ve been sitting behind Photoshop and Lightroom ever since.  Taking a moment now to catch up on a little bit of bloggedy goodness.  Before I left for vacation, the kids and I took Grandma Diana out for her birthday.  We hiked Thunderbird Falls!

I was taking a picture of Grandma with the kids when a nice gentleman offered to take a photo of all of us together.  I totally hesitated because, well, it’s not easy for me to hand over a few thousand dollars of camera equipment to a complete stranger, well meaning or not.  I mean, what if he dropped it in the river?  What if he got attacked by a bear while he was holding it?  WHAT IF HE TOOK OFF RUNNING AWAY WITH IT?  But I decided I could take him, seeing as he would be bogged down with an extra 10 pounds of camera equipment.  

Well, he didn’t steal it, and I didn’t have to beat him up.

Doobie was pretty tired by the time we reached the falls.  So, needless to say, he was awesome during the mile hike back out.

After our hike we had lunch at our favorite restaurant and then it was frozen yogurt time at the Yogurt Lounge.  We planted Grandma a big flower pot for her birthday and she drove it home in the trunk of her car.  At some point it tipped over, but she assured me that she was able to rescue everything (but had to vacuum the trunk.

Happy birthday Grandma!

1 comment:

Raychel said...

Great pictures!! Looks like fun. I sure miss you guys.