Friday, February 06, 2009

Rorying it UP!

Rory is our RV. We named him Rory because the man who sold us the RV was named Rory. We enjoyed the name and so it stuck.

Darrin and Jake have been planning to spend Friday night in Rory for a while now. It's only been about 1 degree all week long so we were afraid we were going to have to postpone the adventure. But today dawned a nice crisp 20 degrees!

So the boys are Rorying it up tonight. They are out there right now watching Star Wars on the laptop, baking cookies and drinking Yahoos.

All ready to go with his pillow, sleeping bag and Star Wars movie.

Heading out for a fun filled night of man stuff.

1 comment:

Jen said...

What a fun man adventure. I am hoping to set up a tent this summer for some man fun in our backyard. Hopefully you got some fingernail painting or crafting done.