Saturday, March 28, 2009

Another Eruption.

We had another eruption tonight at 7:23pm - 45,000 feet. That's four today. Darrin taped up the house this evening. We are getting out of here very easily in the morning. All doors and windows are taped and sealed. I ended up with a scratchy throat and burning eyes from my little jaunt out into the ash fall earlier.


Bec said...

Yikes! I've always thought volcanos are terrifying!

J and B said...

Mother Nature has one freaking sick sense of humor. We got snow AGAIN last night.

Anonymous said...

STAY HOME! In '92 when Spurr erupted Tyler was delivering mail. The ash ended up plugging up stuff on his eyelids and he had to have them surgically removed. Not awful, but not fun. Stayeth hometh!