Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Lost Tooth for Jake

Bubba lost his first tooth last week. It was dangling by a thread for weeks but he wouldn't let us pull it out. It hung on so long that the new tooth was almost completely in place behind it!

Jake took great enjoyment in wiggling it and showing it to people. We endured days and days of, "My tooth is gone!...PSYCH!" Which got old until I introduced my own version. "Your tooth is gone!...PSYCH!" He fell for it way more often than I did.

Then, last week, he was nibbling on some corn and his tooth finally fell out.

Then he swallowed it.

1 comment:

Raychel said...

His eyes are so pretty in this shot! It's like they match his hat. I hope the tooth fairy came even though there was no tooth to put under the pillow!