Friday, September 26, 2008

Another Birthday!

Happy Birthday to my sweet baby Doodimus!

Two years ago today, at 12:25pm, Joshy was born. He weighed 7 pounds eight ounces and was 20 inches long. Today he was over 26 pounds and is about 32 inches tall. For breakfast he had a "Waffo wit pee budder onit."

The goose egg on his head is courtesty of his big sister and a rousing game of jumping on the bed.


Raychel said...

My goodness you have the cutest family! I just love you guys and miss you all so stinkin' much. I'm so glad you post as often as you do, it makes me feel great to get to see everyone.

Raychel said...

Oh yeah... that IS a huge bump on his poor head. Poor birthday boy.

jennbean said...

Donna is four and weighs 28 lbs. :)