Friday, September 25, 2009

A Very Jedi Birthday

Yesterday for Jake's birthday, I had the littler ones color a giant present for him BECAUSE, I realized too late that I didn't have any wrapping paper. I did, however, have an abundance of postal packing paper, a few colored markers and two willing artists.

Jake is super into Star Wars. His daddy isn't too much better. So for Jake's birthday, Darrin found a plethora of vintage '70s Star Wars toys on ebay. Boy, were they a hit!

I'm pretty sure he had a happy birthday. Later that night when he went to bed he told me, "I can't sleep because I just can't stop staring at my new toys!"

My parents sent him a musical card that plays the Star Wars theme song. So he would open the card, lay it down on the table and while it played the song, he would fly his new space ships around to the music.

Today is the day after his birthday and this morning when I went downstairs to wake him for school, I found him AND Josh playing Star Wars in his room. I have no clue how long they were up.

I guess he likes his gifts!


Jen said...

Success! Way to go mom.

anna3 said...

Ethan is soooo into Star Wars too. Luckily for us my dad saved every single Star Wars toy that my brother had as a kid so now our basement is loaded with them and Ethan is happy. Happy Birthday Jake!!