Monday, June 13, 2011

Botched Back Flip

He arrived home from fishing with Peepaw about twenty minutes before we arrived home from shopping. In that time he taught himself to do front and back flips on the trampoline. He showed off for me. He was awesome. I was in the middle of commenting about getting the video camera out when he busted out one more back flip. He went up, but his legs never went over. He landed on his face and his body collapsed backward so that his butt landed on the back of his own head.

Yeah, are you picturing that?

I took off running for the trampoline because I thought he broke his neck. He stood up immediately (not broken!) but was in the middle of one of those breathless, panicked silent screams. He stumbled off the trampoline into my arms where he promptly passed out (from the prolonged silent scream).

Grandma helped me lay him down in the grass and calm him down. He started complaining of lower back pain which was weird to me because I saw how he landed. But any back pain is bad back pain and Peepaw mentioned calling the ambulance, just to be on the safe side. None of us really wanted to lift him and move him to the car to go get checked out.

So the ambulance was called, the EMTs arrived and they took excellent care of my baby.

Looks awful doesn't it? It really wasn't. This was just a precaution and he said it was mostly fun. THANK YOU LORD!

Even before we made it to the the emergency room, Jake was feeling better. They checked him out, mentioned he probably has a little muscle strain and set us free.

No more back flips on the trampoline. For now. I still kind of want to get it on video...

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