Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ten Years!

This weekend my darling hubby and I celebrated ten years of wedded bliss. I must admit that my husband is rockin' awesome. I couldn't be any luckier. You know you've got it good when your only complaint is that he HATES the bed being made. Incidently that works out great for me because I hate making it.

For the past three or four years we have celebrated our anniversary out in the Alaska wilderness getting muddy on some four-wheeling adventures. This year was no different except that for the first time, it was rainy and cold the entire weekend. Because of the weather, I didn't take as many pictures as usual. My gloves were soaked through and I was having a hard time getting them on and off to work the camera.

Naturally the experience is all about the mud and the getting stuck in said mud.

Some friends and such.

They'll be coming 'round the mountain when they come..."


This is way better than a mud treatment at a spa.

I love my stud muffin!

Back at camp...we had a gazillion kids staying with us in the RV (RORY). Heather and I 'bout lost our freakin' minds when the rain poured down and kids all piled in and started whining and fighting and taking up every spare inch of room. I was actually reduced to tears at one point. Not my finest hour (and by hour I mean THREE).

But when the sun was out, we were SO HAPPY!

We rigged this giant blue tarp between Rory and the other trailer. It served as the Powers' Anniversary Pavillion and it really saved the whole weekend. We had a couple dozen people with us and only two small campers to keep everyone dry. So we partied under the PAP.

Even with a chocolate face, she's the cutest little bug around.

Doobie loved exploring the jungle...among other things.

They were playing Hide and Seek.

Jakey was all business. Hauling and digging and exploring. I don't think I saw him more than twice all weekend. He liked sleeping in the tent with Daddy and his friend Aiden and his daddy. Boy time.

Doobie having a snack.

A wide shot of the PAP. Doesn't it look cozy? It was dry. That's all that matters.
In spite of the rain, we had a wonderful weekend and celebrated our anniversary with a lot of great friends who we adore. Actually, we sort of forgot it was our anniversary until the date came up in conversation and Darrin and I looked at each other and shouted, "Happy Anniversary" at each other at the same time. Well, actually, Darrin said it a little faster. So he's the winner.
Our fourwheeler ride was actually the most fun I've had on a ride maybe ever. Definitely top two. I did some new and exciting things on this trip. I accidentally got completely airborne at one point and later on I hit a rock with my left front tire that sent me up in the air and while I was up there I tipped sideways to my right. I thought for sure I was flipping over but the Lord spared me a major accident and helped me execute a perfect landing. It was enough to slow me down a bit though. Darrin told me later that he was very impressed with me being so brave and adventurous. Even so, if I'm going to try to ride like the boys, I might invest in a helmet.

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