Thursday, January 05, 2012

Disney World Day 6

On day 6 we found ourselves at Sea World.  Best. Day. Ever.  Why you ask?  Let me tell you.  First of all it wasn’t crowded.  

Second of all, Josh took one look at this watery roller coaster and begged to go on it.  Yes, that is right, the Doobie was the first of our kids to attempt a “man ride."
Soaked!  And happy!  Later, Jake went on it too!

And THEN, something crazy happened.  It actually started a couple of days before when I put myself on a roller coaster at Magic Kingdom.  I rode Big Thunder Mountain which was my first real roller coaster EVER, unless you count the big white one a the Puyallup Fair but most people don’t.  And actually, people don’t really count Big Thunder Mountain either because little kids are allowed to ride it. 
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

So in order to impress my husband, who is a roller coaster fanatic, I put myself on this one.  
The Kraken.
Oh. My. 
My problem with roller coasters stems entirely from dropping down at high speeds.  So you may notice in the photo, there is quite the first drop.  This pretty much ruined the whole roller coaster for me.  I couldn’t really enjoy the rest of it because I was too ticked off at the first part of it.
The Kraken

 However, that did not stop me.  Please understand, I had an entire basketball team of 15/16 year old girls that were completely showing me up!  How can I compete with their level of fun?  Well, I get back on another roller coaster of course.

Like this one.
The Manta.

On the Manta, you hang, facing straight down while in a sitting position.  While in line for this roller coaster, it broke down and would not release the previous riders.  So we stared at them, just hanging there for a good 15 minutes before the hydraulics released them.  So it was all too awesome to get right on it after that.  But...we did.  And I really enjoyed this one because NO DROPS STRAIGHT DOWN.  I can handle upside down and g-force and banking turns that plummet, of which there were many, but those straight down drops are not my friend.  So the Manta was fun.  That’s right, I had fun on a roller coaster.
The Manta

Remember how I mentioned this was the best day ever?  Here’s another reason.  We touched dolphins. Bucket List!  Check!

Josh was a little creeped out, but Jake was into it!

Jordy tried to train them.

Of course we bought little prizes!

Oh, I almost forgot, it’s Christmas season!

We were meeting up with our group to get on the bus and we were a few minutes early.  So I gave the camera to the boys.

Merry Christmas from Sea World!

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