Saturday, January 03, 2009

The day that Daddy felt bad.

Joshy touched the shirt press.

This is the lovely 2nd degree burn blister he got as a result. We didn't realize how bad it was because this didn't show up until the following day. I popped it with some finger nail clippers and it shot across the room. Pretty impressive. I think Darrin thought that popping it would hurt so he couldn't watch. Joshy giggled when he got squirted in the face. Then he got to wear a Dora the Exlorer bandaid so all in all I'd say it was a pretty positive experience.


Anonymous said...

I'm about to throw up the kettle corn I'm eating!!! Nice blister. Poor guy :-( So, Mrs. Domestic Goddess - what the HECK is a shirt presser? Or what ever he burned his thumb on.

J and B said...

The tiara and facial expression are priceless.

That is one hardcore blister!

Raychel said...

OUCH!! That looks painful!