Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pics from the Third Day Concert!

Okay, even though I was lame and forgot my camera, my girl Lucy did not let me down. So I'm pirating some pictures from her blog for your enjoyment!

The Powers and the Matthews waiting for the show.

Lead singer, Mac Powell. I might have a bit of a celebrity crush on him. It's always there in the background of my life but flairs up a bit whenever I see him in concert.

The band, rockin'.

Real fans buy the tshirt.

1 comment:

Michelle's Day said...

I know what you mean on the Mac thing. And -- hey wait a minute -- I didn't buy a shirt, but I still love them :-)

p.s. I chuckled over your comment about listening but not cleaning! I do that all the time, but don't tell anyone.